Tuesday, October 2

City Streets Preview

Well, I must apologize for that last page. I had Taylor for two days and she was kind enough to share her cold with me. When I was putting 'Autumn Leaves' together, I had a scratchy throat and dizzy head and well . . . it shows. That must be the ugliest page yet. As a matter fact, it is going to be deleted. There, it is gone. . .forever.

However, after spending a week with my Nyquil bottle; I got back to work on a kit that I am really excited about. If you have teenage sons or pre-teen nephews, you will be sending me kisses. My one and only grandson, Zach; is all boy. He does not hug his Grandmother. Nope, he runs at me with both arms open, grabs my neck in a flying strangle hold and swings his sweaty little body into whatever direction he is going. Nor does he call me Grandma . . . he calls me, G-Dog.

The point to all this is that I find it difficult to find scrap stuff for boys. There are frogs and tricycles, and baseball and soccer stuff; but I want some strumin geetars and noisy traffic stuff. I needed some Zach stuff! So, I am waiting on a note of approval from Designfruit.com to see if I can release "City Streets". No bows, no cute little hearts . . . just "City Streets".

Hopefully, I will get a go ahead and as soon as that happens; you can download
some cool kid stuff. Until then, how about a little sneak peek? There are six pages and each has just one journaling block. I named this one, Up On The Roof.

What the heck, one more little peek won't hurt. I named this one, Rumble and it is my personal fav.

Here's hoping that I hear from the multi-talented Designfruit soon. Meanwhile, G-Dog is outta here.

1 comment:

fl_connie said...

These are great! Can't wait. :)