Saturday, September 15

Freebies here: "Glass Buttons" with PSD Text files

My daughter hates my glass buttons. I love them. By the way, if you would like to learn how to make them and you are running PSE; there is a wonderful tutorial at It is called, Interface Orb by Brian Fusco. Of course, his are for web sites; but scrappers are grateful happy people and we will say, thanks anyway. We are not a picky bunch. A simpler version for a Gradient Brad by Linda Sattgast can be found at

As for the wizard, they are glass buttons and I've got a bunch of them. This set actually includes several PSD. files which you can use if you are running Photoshop Elements. With these files, you can change the text to suit your own needs. Otherwise, I tried to think of titles that would apply to scrapping. If you have some suggestions for words that you would like, I'm open to a limited number of them. Not a lot, no more than two per person. And when I get exhausted, I will not offer this service. Right now, I am a gluten for punishment and I need the ego boost.
Hope you like buttons!

Get em here:


Anonymous said...

i just found your blog..u have awsome talent..thanks for sharing ur freebie sand ur talent.. ***HUGS***

Suzanne said...

Thank you. And you have made my day!

Anonymous said...

I just found you too! I love your glass buttons!!!! Way cute! Thanks for sharing! Cy

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all of your awesome kits. I cannot wait to use them and appreciate your making these.
